Well Friday, October 10, 03 I talked a while to my sister in law, Olivia. Both her kids had acid reflux and they seem to wait forever to rule that out. Olivia said that St. Johns Hospital was the only place that tested her kids and found out and so I asked her should I go there, yes she said they are great hospital!!! Ok so we go to ER on Friday night to, and Geeze was it packed. They took him back to a very, very dirty area of the hospital called pediatrics OMG I couldnt belive my eyes, there was garbage from gauze to wrappers, to some funky looking yellow that looked like the bio in your belly from when you thrown up everything and nothing else is in you. I let it go seeing how it was suposed to be a good hospital, and the Dr. Gappy cam and seen him, and said they wanted to get him tested for Pyloric Stenosis, which would consist of an Ultrasound not a problem and that they wanted to give him an IV for dehydration, He was far from dehydrated, and get some blood. Well I requested and Upper GI that night. The Doctor pussy footed around it. Well we went for Ultrasound and he was a perfect angel sound asleep during the whole thing, gel was rubbed on him and everything. Well then I took him back to the bed where Daddy was waiting, and the to excuse me but the 2 Bitches came in, to draw blood and put in the IV at once just one poke you know? Well she was squeezing his arm so tight that his hand was turning almost black, and his arm was purple with tiny, tiny red dots. Out the needle came, I said to her you aint sticking him again, she right away calls Dr, and tells. She spilled more blood than she took and I yelled at her, cuz she did. She says ma’am, I only took 3 CC’s of his blood I said I dont care. You dont know what you your doing look at his arm, I bout like to knock her block off!!! We waited for labs, and Doctor cam back and said that basically theres a good chance he’s developing,Pyloric Stenosis. Well I started to feed him a bottle and Dr. Gappy came back in and said when did you feed him last I said a few minutes ago why, well I ordered him an Upper GI He said, but you have to wait like 4 hours til his tummy’s empty, well its already like 10pm. No we will go on monday or tuesday to His hospital that his Drs. thru Ok and they discharged him. Any ways I forgot to mention I still called Dr. on Friday to ask and practically demand an Upper GI, she called back and said she’d fax something to the hospital (the receptionist I talked to not the doctor)
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