Hello, I’m the mom here (Marie or MamaBaker), I have 1 son(Leo) and of course the daddy/husband Eric. We are homeschooling our son, because we love him that much! A lot of people give us a hard time about homeschooling, which is not right! I do not tell anyone else how to raise their children! Our son was born quite a bit early (30 weeks), he could not wait for Mommy to cuddle him! I knew before he was born he would not be going to public school, it’s not wrong to send your kids to school, it is your choice! I feel I could not leave my child in the care of strangers, people I have no clue about.
Since Leo learns at home he gets the benefit of one on one interaction with learning, which he needs. He really enjoys cooking, he says he wants to be a pastry chef! That excites me, because cooking is my second joy of life, of course Leo is the first. He also has all of these neat little ideas and inventions. He really cracks me up, because I used to be the same way as a kid. I had ideas and I even made a game and wanted to get to a company. That never did happen, but it was fun to be so creative. I love when he comes up with ideas and different things to make. Some of the things wouldn’t normally be something I like, but he said let me try some peanut butter on a dorito……. SMH….. lol He loved it! I didn’t let him have too many though.
I also run several sites here online and I sell web hosting with one or two click install scripts. I design web sites and can install scripts, design images. Hubby is in College full time right now, he’s taking forensics, criminal justice and some other classes. He wants to be a police officer for now, then later a forensics detective. He will have two associates in two different areas, I forget exactly all the classes he’s taking and what he’s doing. I keep busy here at home with my son.
Thanks for visiting come see us here online anytime!!